Removal of Clothing Bank Coity Higher Community Centre Car Park

By // October 5th, 2020

The SSAFA armed forces charity clothing bank located at Coity Higher Community Centre car park has been a great resource and has raised several thousand pounds for the charity, which helps local veterans.    It has provided funds for mobility scooters, stair lifts and training for volunteer case workers. However despite this being just a […]

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Annual Daffodil Bulb Planting

By // October 4th, 2020

It’s great to see that this year’s planting is almost complete and the community will enjoy a greater display in Spring 2021. This year we’ve purchased 10 x 25kg sacks of bulbs and this week our contractor planted them on Heol West Plas in Litchard, Coity Road and The Dell in Pendre and Gerddi’r Castell […]

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Two New Items In The Community This Week

By // September 30th, 2020

This week we’ve installed a noticeboard on the by pass at  Trem y Castell to keep the residents of  Gerddi’r Castell and Trem y Castell informed of both our work and matters that affect the community. In addition, we’ve removed the rusty bench from Litchard Common and replaced it with the one we removed from […]

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Tanyrallt Avenue, Pendre Play Area Re-opens

By // September 18th, 2020

Coity Higher Community Council’s refurbishment of the Tanyrallt Avenue play area in Pendre has now been completed and re-opened today.   I’m sure you’ll agree that it now looks amazing and includes equipment for all ages along with accessible equipment and 3 new benches and 2 new bins.  The recently elected Chair of Council, Councillor Alan […]

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Problem with Website Contact Us Page

By // September 18th, 2020

Our website Contact Us page, unknown to us, has not been working recently and despite the system confirming that the email has been received by us, it hasn’t.   Our web hosts have now updated the plug in and following a test it is now working.   We apologise to anyone who may have tried to contact […]

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New Remembrance Benches

By // September 2nd, 2020

Before lockdown the Community Council ordered 3 remembrance benches to mark the VE Day 75th Anniversary this year – one for each of our wards.  Unfortunately production was delayed, but we are happy to report that they’ve now arrived and two were installed yesterday – one on Coity Road, Pendre and one on Heol yr […]

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Tanyrallt Avenue, Pendre – Play Area Closing Date for Refurbishment

By // September 1st, 2020

The play area at Tanyrallt Avenue, Pendre will be closed from Monday 7th September 2020 for refurbishment by Coity Higher Community Council.   It will re-open as soon as the work is completed and the site has been inspected. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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Summer 2020 Newsletter

By // August 19th, 2020

Delivery of our Summer 2020 newsletter has started and will be delivered to all dwellings in the 3 Coity Higher Wards over the next few weeks.  A copy can be seen here

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Play Area Re-Openings Complete

By // July 20th, 2020

The play areas we manage in Great Western Avenue, Tanyrallt Avenue, Heol y Groes, Coity Castle and the playing field in Coity have now been re-opened following risk assessment and the installation of COVID-19 safety signage.  Please could you ensure that you and your children are aware of the safe usage rules and adhere to […]

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Dog Waste Bag Dispenser

By // July 20th, 2020

We’re pleased to have worked in partnership with BCBC to install a dog waste bag dispenser at Joslin Terrace, Pendre and hope to see one installed near Heol y Groes, Litchard soon too.

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