Happy to Chat Benches

By // March 31st, 2020

Before the recent social restrictions the Community Council placed signs on some of the benches in our 3 wards saying Happy to Chat.   This is an initiative so that people have somewhere they can go to have a conversation in a bid to combat loneliness and isolation.  You can just say hello or have […]

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Parks and Playing Fields Shut

By // March 23rd, 2020

BCBC has closed all parks and playgrounds in the county borough and some car parks following government advice around social distancing. It comes after crowds gathered during the weekend at local beaches and parks. It is vital that we heed government advice to stay at home where possible and adopt social distancing measures. From tonight […]

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Daffodil and Planter Displays 2020

By // March 7th, 2020

Despite the recent miserable weather, it’s great to see the additional daffodils we’ve planted for 2020 and the spring flowers in our 3 planters brightening up the wards of Coity, Litchard and Pendre. Litchard Hill Litchard Hill The Dell, Pendre Heol Simonston, Coity

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Last Day to Email Nominations for the 2 Community Awards by 5.00 pm Today!

By // February 8th, 2020

Today is the last day to nominate for our 2 Community Shield Awards.   These awards recognise achievement or work or activities which benefit the community of Coity Higher which includes Coity, Pendre and Litchard.  There is an over 18 and under 18 category.   Full details of the criteria and how to nominate are […]

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Another New Era for Coity Castle as Conservation Starts This Spring

By // February 8th, 2020

February marks the start of a major conservation project at Coity Castle, ensuring that the castle remains at the heart of the community for many generations to come. The castle will benefit from an anticipated three year programme of works using traditional building materials and techniques to help restore the castle and secure its future.  […]

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Great Western Avenue Play Area Temporary Closure 17th March 2020

By // February 8th, 2020

Pendre Community Centre is due to be demolished from 17th March and the work will take a few days.  During this time it will be necessary to fence off the play area and close it.   We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.  

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A Reminder if you are an EU Citizen living, working or studying in the UK on what you need to do before the UK leaves the EU

By // January 28th, 2020

It is estimated that there are up to 45,000 people in Wales who will need to register to remain in the UK, many of which won’t be aware that they need to even if they have resided here for many years. Attached are some information notices for those residents, that includes those with a UK […]

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New Bench Installed Litchard Fields

By // January 21st, 2020

We’ve just purchased and installed another new bench in the wards, this time in Litchard playing fields.   See photo

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Your Nominations Needed for our 2 Community Awards

By // January 13th, 2020

Nominations are now being invited for our 2 Community Shield Awards which are awarded annually to recognize achievement or work or activities which benefit the Community of Coity Higher which includes Coity, Pendre, Litchard.  There is an over 18 and under 18 category. Full details of the criteria and how to nominate are published here […]

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Coity Higher Christmas Decorations

By // November 22nd, 2019

It’s great to see all our decorations installed and ready for switch on from 1st December.  As well as installing column motifs in Coity and Pendre we’ve purchased some this year for Litchard which can be seen on Litchard hill, we’ve installed solar lit trees at the entrances to Gerddi’r Castell, Trem y Castell and […]

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