Coychurch Crematorium Christmas Service

By // November 22nd, 2019

A Christmas Service will be held at Coychurch Crematorium on Thursday 19th December 2019 at 7.00pm.   For further information see here

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Parliamentary Notices

By // November 16th, 2019

Please see notices below: Statement of Persons Nominated Notice of Appointment of Election Agents Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Station

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Polling Districts, Places and Station Review 2019 for BCBC Area

By // November 16th, 2019

The first stage of this consultation is complete and attached here are the comments received. Any further comments on the comments/suggestions received must be received by 4pm 22nd November 2019. The final stage after this involves all replies being considered and a Report submitted to Bridgend County Borough Council.

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New Bin Heol y Groes Roundabout

By // November 16th, 2019

Following feedback via our newsletter regarding litter, the Community Council has purchased and installed a bin near the bench on Heol y Groes roundabout.   Hopefully soon there will also be a dog waste bag dispenser located next to it too.

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Daffodil Planting

By // October 28th, 2019

Once again this year the Community Council has purchased 9 x 25kg sacks of daffodil bulbs to plant in the 3 wards of Coity Higher.   Two sacks were planted in each ward by the Community Council’s contractor, with the community group Pride in Coity planting another two sacks in Parc Derwen and the children […]

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Coity Castle Play Area Refurbishment

By // October 28th, 2019

At last the Coity Castle Play Area refurbishment is now complete, having been delayed by the awful September/October weather.  The play area now has an area for younger children and a separate area for older children, plus an accessible swing and roundabout.  The refurbishment was funded by the Community Council with match funding from BCBC’s […]

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Conclusion of Audit 2018/2019

By // September 30th, 2019

  The Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2018/19 has now been received and can be seen here No issues have been raised by the External Auditor.

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2 New Benches Installed at Pendre Fields Play Area

By // August 14th, 2019

Following the Community Council’s recent play area refurbishment, it’s great to see that our two new benches have also been installed.

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Pendre Fields Play Area Refurbishment

By // August 1st, 2019

The play area at Pendre Fields has now been refurbished by the Community Council.  The new equipment, which has been well received, includes accessible equipment for all children to enjoy the area.  New seating and a new bin will be installed shortly. The Community Council has recently signed a 35 year lease to manage the […]

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Dog Control Policy

By // July 30th, 2019

Following a consultation on dog control a BC C Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Dog Control will impose conditions on the use of Public Open Spaces, please see the details here and here

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