Notice of Vacancy on Coity Higher Community Council

By // April 3rd, 2024

We currently have a vacancy for a Councillor on Coity Higher Community Council for the Coity Ward.   For further information please see the notice of vacancy here

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Architects Powell Dobson appointed to design the development of Coity Higher Community Centre

By // March 29th, 2024

Coity Higher Community Council is delighted to confirm that following a successful funding application architects Powell Dobson have been appointed to design the development of Coity Higher community centre. Cllr Alan Wathan Chair of Coity Higher Community Council said, “this is an important milestone on our journey to reopen the community centre and create a […]

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Nominate for a Community Award from Coity Higher Community Council (Litchard, Pendre and Coity)

By // February 25th, 2024

It’s that time of year again when we invite you to nominate an individual, group or organisation for a Community Award.  This covers the period 2023/2024. Please see further details here  

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Co-option Litchard Ward

By // January 21st, 2024

Further to the receipt of 3 applications for the Councillor vacancy for the Litchard Ward, Mr Gareth Langdon was successfully co-opted at the council’s Ordinary Meeting held on 11th January 2024.

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Co-option Notice Litchard Ward

By // November 28th, 2023

The Community Council has a co-option opportunity for the Litchard Ward, please see the details attached here

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Notice of Vacancy – Litchard Ward

By // October 26th, 2023

Following the resignation of Councillor Darren Brown a casual vacancy exists  in the office of Councillor for Coity Higher Community Council  – Litchard Ward.   See full details here

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Notice of Electors Rights Audit for the year ending 31st March 2023

By // July 23rd, 2023

Each year the annual accounts are audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Prior to this date, any interested person has the opportunity to inspect and make copies of the accounts and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts etc relating to them for 20 working days on reasonable notice. For the year ended […]

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Paths to Wellbeing Info Board and Leaflets

By // July 23rd, 2023

Our Paths to Wellbeing information board has now been installed opposite the Six Bells Pub on Heol West Plas.  This shows the walks within Coity Higher’s wards on our new walks map. The leaflet is available electronically on this website or if you’d like a hard copy you can pick one up at one of […]

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School Community Awards

By // July 23rd, 2023

This week our Vice-Chair, Councillor Martin Williams, visited Coety Primary Schoool to present their Community Award Winner with a small trophy and gift vouchers.  Councillor Yvonne Walton-Davies, did the same at Litchard Primary School. Each year Coity Higher Community Council gives each school £50 of vouchers to award to a child or group of children […]

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New Walks Leaflet showing 8 Local Walks

By // June 21st, 2023

Coity Higher Community Council has been working in partnership with Ramblers Cymru on a Paths to Wellbeing Project for almost two years and during that time along with local volunteers and children we’ve planted 420 native tree species to create a border hedge around the community playing field in Coity, sewn 2kg of wildflower seeds, […]

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