Council Ordinary, Annual, Extraordinary, Precept Meeting Minutes and Draft Summaries


Draft Summary and Minutes of the January 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of January 2024 Ordinary Meeting

11th January 2024 Ordinary Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the February 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of February 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Minutes of the February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


Draft Summary and Minutes of the March 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of March 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Minutes of the March 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


Draft Summary of the April 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of April 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Minutes of the April 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


Draft Summary of the May 2024 Annual Meeting

Summary of May 2024 Annual Meeting

Minutes May 2024 Annual Meeting

Draft Summary of the May 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of May 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Minutes of the May 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


Draft Summary of the June 2024 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of June 2024 Ordinary Meeting



Draft Summary and Minutes of the January 2023 Meeting

12th January 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Summary

12th January 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the February 2023 Meeting

9th February 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Summary

9th February 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the March 2023 Meeting

9th March 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Summary

9th March 2023 Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the April 2023 Meeting

30th March 2023 –  Ordinary Meeting Summary (brought forward due to school Easter closure)

30th March 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summaries and Minutes of the May 2023 Annual and Ordinary Meetings

11th May 2023 – Summary of the Annual Meeting of the Council

11th May 2023 – Annual Meeting Minutes

11th May 2023  – Ordinary Meeting Summary

11th May 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the June 2023 Ordinary Meeting

8th June 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Summary

8th June 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the July 2023 Ordinary Meeting

13th July 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Summary

13th July 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the September 2023 Ordinary Meeting

14th September 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Summary

14th September 2023 – Ordinary Meeting Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the October 2023 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of October 2023 Ordinary Meeting

12th October 2023 – Ordinary Meeting


Draft Summary and Minutes of the November 2023 Ordinary Meeting

Summary of November 2023 Ordinary Meeting

9th November 2023 Ordinary Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the December 2023 Precept Meeting

Summary of the December 2023 Precept Meeting

14th December 2023 Precept Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the January 2022 Meeting:

13th January 2022 – Minutes

Ordinary Meeting – 13th January 2022


Draft Summary and Minutes of the February 2022 Meeting

10th February 2022 – Minutes

Ordinary Meeting – 10th February 2022


Draft Summary and Minutes of the March 2022 Meeting

Ordinary Meeting – 10th March 2022

10th March 2022 – Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the April 2022 Meeting

Ordinary Meeting – 14th April 2022

14th April 2022 – Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the May 2022 Meetings

Annual Meeting – 12th May 2022

12th May 2022 – Minutes

Ordinary Meeting – 12th May 2022

12th May 2022 – Ordinary Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the June 2022 Meetings

Ordinary Meeting – 9th June 2022

9th June 2022 – Ordinary Minutes

Extraordinary Meeting – 30th June 2022

30th June 2022 – Extraordinary Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the July 2022 Meeting

Ordinary Meeting – 14th July 2022

14th July 2022 – Ordinary Minutes


Note:  No September 2022 meeting held due to the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II


Draft Summary and Minutes of the October 2022 Meeting

Ordinary Meeting –  13th October 2022

13th October 2022 – Ordinary Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the November 2022 Meeting

10th November 2022 – Ordinary Meeting

10th November 2022 – Ordinary Minutes


Draft Summary and Minutes of the December 2022 Meeting

8th December 2022 – Precept Meeting

8th December 2022 – Precept Minutes